
Theatrical Hair and Makeup

Evolution Theatre Company Trust
Arts & Crafts | Evenings/Weekends

Help design and create stunning hair and makeup looks to enhance our productions from whimsical to dramatic.

Creative Artists and Prop-Stars

Evolution Theatre Company Trust
Arts & Crafts | Both/Flexible

Your creativity will contribute to the magic of the stage!

Theatre Evening Help

Evolution Theatre Company Trust
Hosting | Evenings/Weekends

Be part of the magic on performance nights as Theatre Evening Help!


Evolution Theatre Company Trust
Trades & Maintenance | Both/Flexible

Help keep our beautiful theatre running smoothly - our building needs a bit of TLC!

Driver Mentors

Atawhai Charitable Trust
Driving | Both/Flexible

If you love driving and want to support our rangatahi to get their driver's licence - help us out!

"Have-A-Go!" Assistants

Parafed Gisborne Tairawhiti
Social Support | Both/Flexible

Parafed hosts a monthly 'Have-A-Go' day; come along and see how you can volunteer and support members of the Parafed community!

One on One Time

Dunblane Rest Home & Village
Companionship | Both/Flexible

Brighten our residents day by spending time and provide them with meaningful interactions.

Outdoor Excursions Assistant

Dunblane Rest Home & Village
Social Support | Both/Flexible

Join us on our outdoor excursions around to local community activities and events

Community Native Planting Partners

Women's Native Tree Project Trust
Conservation | Both/Flexible

Join in on our kaupapa to bring native trees back to Te Tairawhiti. Fortnightly volunteering opportunities with like-minded individuals - and shared kai!

Native Tree Art Muralist

Women's Native Tree Project Trust
Arts & Crafts | Both/Flexible

Bring your creativity and paint murals that reflect the kaupapa and mahi of Women's Native Tree Project.