Consider volunteering for Citizens Advice Bureau - Te Pou Whakawhirinaki o Aotearoa. We have over 2,500 wonderful volunteers in over 80 locations throughout the country. We work together to deliver our service of information, advice and support to people who contact us for help. Clients can come to the CAB with an enquiry about anything. Some of the most frequent areas of enquiry include: rental housing, employment issues, consumer law and immigration.
We work with clients by listening carefully to their stories, and researching their rights and responsibilities and the services available to them. We explain the information so that our clients understand their options and make their own decisions. The feedback we get from CAB volunteers is that they find providing the CAB service rewarding and purposeful.
Volunteers often also help out with other aspects of running the bureau - for example in publicity, training, social media or governance. There are lots of opportunities to contribute existing skills, and to develop new ones.
To make sure all volunteers are supported to be effective in their role, we provide a programme of learning and development. This includes an induction period and mentoring programme, as well as ongoing learning opportunities and peer support. A key area of learning, especially for new volunteers, is how to use the CAB website to research information for clients.
Gisborne CAB is open Monday - Friday, 10am - 2pm. We require volunteers to commit to at least 2 days/month.
Getting started:
The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below.
We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.
Information & Advice