Youth Representative

Step up as our board's youth representative and bring your perspective to the table. Share ideas, keep us updated on the latest trends, and make sure young people have a say in decisions that affect them. Help us develop new means of engaging and encouraging youth volunteering by being our Youth Volunteer Champion. This is your opportunity to develop leadership skills, gain hands-on experience in board proceedings for a non-profit, understand roles and responsibilities, sharpen your communication skills, build networks and make a positive impact on our community.
We need creative positive change. We need YOU. Come chat with us.


ATTENDANCE at monthly meetings and AGM
CONFIDENCE - contribute to conversations and decision-making (don't be shy, we want to hear what you have to say!)
COMMITMENT - positively champion youth volunteering and the Gisborne Volunteer Centre
PASSION - believe in the benefits of volunteering, the worth of not-for-profit organisations, being part of the community and know that you can make a difference

Time commitment:

Monthly meetings are held the second Monday of the month from 5:30pm for approximately an hour at the Gisborne Volunteer Centre
Reading time, in preparation for the meeting
Hands-on volunteering to represent youth at weekend or evening events, as required

Getting started:
The first step is to express your interest by filling out the form below. We will then put you in touch directly with the organisation for more information on the role and how to proceed.

Ref: 1528

Apply for this role:

Address: *

Demographic information:
Used anonymously for statistics to demonstrate our impact to funders.
Other information (optional):
In applying for this position I confirm that I have read the requirements of the position and believe I have the skills and attributes required to carry out this role safely and effectively.

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